Your Planning System Needs a Check Up: Material and Capacity Planning | Fast Excel Development Template and Power Query.
Do a check up to your planning system: learn how to do it by the Fast Excel Development Template and Power Query.
Do a check up to your planning system: learn how to do it by the Fast Excel Development Template and Power Query.
We have a new version of the Fast Excel Development Template. These are improvements arising from our team using this template to build dozens of planning tools and systems. It has been 15 months since the last update and we have a lot of things to share. Much of this work has been done with
Fast Excel Development Template v4.4 Read More »
The finite scheduling calculates the exact begin and end of each job considering routing and quantity for the workload and work center availability by a calendar for the capacity.
In the standard Fast Excel Development Methodology this requires smart and complicated formulas to deal with dates and time, and this is needed even in the simplest push only scheduling form. Of course you can copy and adapt the formulas from other examples and let the Fast Excel Development Template do the automation and the VBA coding for you.
This article is about making finite capacity scheduling simpler by an algorithm based on cumulation and sorting, and by some Power Query use. And as always there is a companion tool that implements the logic of the article in a fully automated tool.
Here is a new version of the Fast Excel Development Template. Here we describe the new features that come with Fast Excel Development Template Version 4.3.
We also talk about Excel systems for operational and supply chain planning and how to do it right.
Learn how to build A Demand Driven Modular Distribution Planning system with zero coding by the Fast Excel Development Template.
“If this is a template, why are most of the sheets blank?”
“What is a modular system? How will this help my planning?”
We will answer these questions, and more.
NEW RELEASE – Fast Excel Development Template v4.2.0 – Now Supporting Modular Systems Read More »