Dynamic Adaptive Scheduling: Download and Quick-Start Video

We recently released a new scheduling system. It is the first free download tool to use our modular approach. If this is the first time you have seen our modular systems then you will naturally have some questions.

  • Why are there five excel workbook files? I was only expecting one!
  • What are those folders for?
  • How to get it to work?
  • Which buttons should I press?

We have a short video (13 mins 49 secs) that gives you some answers. Please take some time to watch this before getting started with the download. It will make your time with the Dynamic Adaptive Scheduling system more productive.

For those who want to know more, we recently (June 2022) held a full-length webinar on this system. You can view the replay here.

Quick-Start Video

Dynamic Adaptive Scheduling Training

Find out more about using the system, setting up wit your own data and customising and even building your own system – The Dynamic Adaptive Scheduling Workshops.

Here is the link that we mention in the video: xlsm.co/das

For any questions, here is my email: [email protected]


Here is the download link: Dynamic Adaptive Scheduling System.

The Quick-Start video above should tell you all you need to get going. Here is a reminder for the first steps:

  • Unzip the file directly to your C Drive
  • You should have C:\Dynamic_Adaptive_Scheduling and C:\Dynamic_Adaptive_Scheduling\Data
  • Open the Master Module
  • Enable macros if have not run before (in the yellow bar or in Options>Trust Center Settings>Macro settings)
  • Enable External Data if have not run before (in the yellow bar or in Options>Trust Center Settings>External content)
  • Press “Update from Local”
  • Play with the Scheduling Workbench
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